Outreach / Training

Ruth is available for outreach days and training for teachers/schools. Events are designed to be either an introduction to the Curriculum or to complement it, and can be adapted to suit individual schools and requirements.


John Bunyan: Man and Masterpiece - An Introduction to the Life and Legacy of John Bunyan

The Pilgrim’s Progress: An Allegorical Adventure - Meet some of the many characters, places, and objects that the pilgrim Christian encounters on his journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. Media used can include story, discussion, film, drama and art

Christian's 'Dangerous Journey'Exploring the Christian faith using Bunyan’s masterpiece and the theme of pilgrimage as inspiration


  • Single Class (£150 plus travel)
  • Larger groups / whole school (£200 - £400 plus travel, dependent on requirements)

Please note: Larger group activities will need teachers to lead the individual class activities. Resources and guidance regarding preparation and delivery will be provided.


Costs vary according to size of groups/timings. Please contact us or call Ruth direct on 07810 261669 to discuss.

TRAINING for Teachers/Leaders

Possibilities include:

  • Short INSET after Outreach event (no additional charge)
  • Half/full day motivational training (£100/£200, plus travel)
  • Training events can include additional schools in your area. Incentives for host schools.

    For an initial discussion contact us or call Ruth direct on 07810 261669.