A Day at Bunyan Meeting & Museum

On 18th November the Year 6 pupils from Livingstone Primary School visited Bunyan Meeting and the John Bunyan Museum, Bedford, as part of their 10 week programme studying The Pilgrim’s Progress with me.

As well as touring the church and museum, the pupils acted out the story in front of a small audience using a variety of props and the 8 windows as stimulus. In the afternoon we were joined by Bunyan biographer Dr Peter Morden, who answered questions from the pupils about Bunyan and his book before showing us pictures of his recent visit to South Korea.

The children described the day at the church and museum as ‘fantastic’.

Peter taking questions from the children

Peter taking questions from the children

I have enjoyed studying The Pilgrim’s Progress because it is interesting and fun. I enjoyed listening to The Pilgrim’s Progress just being read to us.

I will remember that the characters never gave up and always looked on the bright side of things.

Year 6 Pupil, Livingstone Primary School

I really enjoyed the story which is strange because I usually don’t like stories about religion and I like John Bunyan’s idea to give the characters names that describe them. I enjoyed everything we did and read in these weeks. The museum was really fun and interesting because we had an opportunity to see how the prison was like and how John Bunyan lived.

Year 6 Pupil, Livingstone Primary School

From ‘Sporty’ – a Year 6 pupil at Livingstone Primary School

From ‘Sporty’ – a Year 6 pupil at Livingstone Primary School